Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board

Sentence Review Schedules

The following table lists the categories of cases and their respective review schedules:

Categories of Cases Review Schedules

Subjects serving mandatory life sentences

They are first reviewed as soon as practicable after the fifth anniversary of the date of the start of the sentence, then every 2 years thereafter.


Subjects serving determinate sentences of 10 years or longer


Subjects serving discretionary life sentences who were sentenced before 30.6.1997

They are first reviewed as soon as practicable after the fifth anniversary of the date of the start of the sentence, then every 2 years thereafter. Right after their minimum terms are determined, they are referred for review as soon as practicable and then every 2 years thereafter. They are also reviewed as soon as practicable after 6 months before the expiry of the minimum term, then every 2 years thereafter.


Subjects serving discretionary life sentences who were sentenced after 30.6.1997

They are first reviewed as soon as practicable after the day that is 6 months before the earlier of (a) the fifth anniversary after the start of the sentence and (b) the expiry of the minimum term, then every 2 years thereafter. They are also reviewed as soon as practicable after 6 months before the expiry of the minimum term, then every 2 years thereafter.


Subjects serving determinate sentences who were under the age of 21 at the time of conviction for the offence.

They are reviewed as soon as practicable after each anniversary of the date of the start of the sentence until they reach the age of 21, then every 2 years thereafter.


Subjects sentenced to indeterminate sentences or determinate sentences of 10 years or longer by a court outside Hong Kong and permitted to serve all or part of the sentences in the correctional institutions in Hong Kong


who have served at least 3 years of the sentence outside Hong Kong;

They are first reviewed as soon as practicable after the second anniversary of the date on which the subjects returned to Hong Kong, then every 2 years thereafter.


who have served less than 3 years of the sentence outside Hong Kong.

They are first reviewed as soon as practicable after completion of 5 years of sentence (including the period served outside Hong Kong), then every 2 years thereafter.