

South Africa
    • In late March 2024, a Chinese tour group was robbed by armed gangsters on the road R556 near Rustenburg on the way to a scenic spot in the northwest province, resulting in property loss. There have been a number of cases where foreign tourist tour groups have been robbed one after another on the road section involved.

    • Residents who intend to visit the country or are already there should monitor the situation, exercise caution, attend to personal safety and avoid staying at areas with high security risks and frequent crime incidents, and pay attention to local announcements on the latest situation. Hong Kong residents who need assistance may call the 24-hour hotline of the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit of the Immigration Department at (852) 1868, call the 1868 hotline using network data or use the 1868 Chatbot via the Immigration Department Mobile Application, send message to the 1868 WhatsApp assistance hotline, send message to the 1868 WeChat assistance hotline or submit the Online Assistance Request Form, or contact the Chinese Embassy / Consulate-General in South Africa at consular protection hotline: (Embassy – (27) 104925583, Consulate-General in Cape Town – (27) 216747668, Consulate-General in Durban – (27) 761742938, Consulate-General in Johannesburg – (27) 104986234).

    • Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit – Online Assistance Request Form

    • (updated on 31 March 2024)

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